Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mentally preparing for getting an iPhone...

I am getting ready to get an I have been surfing and came across the following...not quite about the iPhone but interesting nonetheless...

From WiseGeek:

"Stewardesses" is perhaps the longest common word that can be typoed with only your left hand. If you consider more obscure words, however, you'll find that "aftercataracts" and "tesseradecades," are the longest words at 14 characters. Using only your right hand, the longest word you can type is "lollipop" but if you permit the use of dashes, then "Johnny-Jump-Up" — a type of flower — becomes the longest word you can type with only the right hand. Other words that you can type only with your left hand are "retweet," "gazette," "eraser," and "seatbelt." Other right hand words include "homonym," "unholy," "polyp," and "monopoly."

Other word oddities:
The longest word that you can type with alternating hands is "leptothricosis," which is an obsolete term for those diseases caused by the bacteria Leptothrix.

The only two English words with three consecutive sets of double letters are "bookkeeping" and "bookkeeper."

"Queueing" is the only word with five consecutive vowels; the word with the most consonants in a row is "latchstring."

I always liked homonyms :)....

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